1st Mortgage
Getting a private mortgage is easy as 1,2,3,4
Do you need an easy solution for business funding? We can help no proof of income; bad credit is fine and settlement in as little as 24 hours. We lend Australia wide and on and type of real estate or vacant land.
4 easy steps
Apply for a short term loan
Apply online, over the phone or via email it only takes 5 mintues.
Sign the letter of offer
We issue a letter of offer that breaks down, rates, fee, and loan term. If you are happy with it sign and return via email.
Sign and return legal documents
Sign all legal documents in front of a lawyer and return them to our office.
Receive funds in your account within 2 hours
Once all documents have been verified and mortgages lodged funds will be released to your business account.
Reasons for a private loan
Business Opportunity
- A once in a lifetime business opportunity comes up, and it’s the first in with the cash who gets it. What happens if you don’t have the cash in your bank account? Who can get you the funds to secure opportunity by tomorrow? Go Private Finance.
Tax Debts Paid
- We all know that the ATO won’t wait around any longer for tax debts to be paid, but we also know that most lenders run a mile when they see an overdue tax debt. Not Us! We can pay the ATO and any other overdue debts by the next business day.
Urgent Injection of Cash
- Borrow from $20,000 to $20,000,000 for any worthwhile business or commercial investment purpose. Loan terms are from 1 to 36 months (longer if required), and we can genuinely have the funds in your account within 24 hours.
An Advance on a Refinance
- Your bank is refinancing your home or other property, and they say it will take 2 to 3 months. But you need the funds from the refinance right away for your business. This is where a Business Bridging Loan from Go Private Finance saves the day. We bridge the gap until your refinance is funded